The 48th Board of V.C.M.W. Sigma

Ilse van der Heide
Céderique Schambergen
Martijn Peeters
Lena Vleugels
Sam van de Werken
Kim Veltman
Laura Muller
Chairman h.t
Secretary h.t
Treasurer h.t
Commissioner Educational Affairs h.t
Commissioner External Affairs h.t
Commissioner Internal Affairs h.t.
Commissioner Activities h.t.
Ilse van der Heide

Dear Sigmates,
I am a third-year MLS student named Ilse van der Heide and I get the honour of being the chair of Sigma this year. This means I get to have all of the responsibility and do none of the work!
I grew up in a small town in the happiest province of the Netherlands: Friesland. This makes me the only board member who does not celebrate Carnaval. Somehow I decided that moving somewhere where I have to travel 3,5 hours to see my parents would be a great idea so I packed my Frisian flag doormat and moved to Nijmegen. During the orientation week I saw Nijmegen for the first time and immediately fell in love with the informal atmosphere at uni. I have always been active within organizations during my childhood and was easily convinced to join the OneCee in my first year.
My second year was when I really got the hang of joining as many Sigma committees as possible as I joined the A-team, Photon, SigMarie festival committee and was made chair of the OneCee. Even though this was a lot of work it never really felt like work to me. In addition I started working at the STIP of our faculty, so if you have any questions about enrolling for classes (or just want to chat) you know where to find me!
When I am not busy with very important chair tasks or studying I play Korfbal at the student sport association (SkunK) in Nijmegen or go for long walks (lawa) in park Brakkenstein to talk about life problems with friends. In addition, I love meditating, reading and playing bingo with my roommates.
Little greetings,
Ilse van der Heide
Céderique Schambergen

Dearest Sigmates,
My name is Céderique Schambergen, although I’m better known under the name Freek within V.C.M.W. Sigma and I’m 20 years old. I am a third year MLS student, who is crazy enough to follow a lab course in her board year. But enough about my studies, I will be your secretary this year, and I am very excited about that!
I was born in Kerkrade, but luckily raised in Maastricht which is the beautiful capital of Limburg. If you try your best (or not) you can still hear my lovely soft G when talking. After a successfully failed biomedical sciences selection, I ended up here at MLS. From searching for other studies during the first quarter of my studies here, to becoming the board of the study association has been a crazy road for me. In the meantime I have joined two Sigma committees which are A-team (the activities team) and PPM, which is the committee that writes and builds the association magazine! I am very happy where I am now, and I would never have wanted to change studies again, as I feel at home right here.
In my free time I love to play hockey and sometimes I play the saxophone. Next to this I am trying some new sports this year, like rugby. I also like to spend my time with some tea and candle light, chilling in my room, very quietly and, out of tune, singing some songs. Apparently my favorite artists on Spotify are Suzan and Freek, which I must admit, I do listen to a lot. Also I spend a lot of free time at Uni, as chilling in the South Counteen is always better than chilling in the South of Nijmegen (AKA Hatert), where I live. And also a lot safer ;)
I am a very lovely morning person, so even if you need me at 8.30, I will be at the university and you might find me in the boardrooms already! You will probably see my name (not Freek :() a lot at the end of your emails, which you are always free to respond to. But of course you are always free to chat with me in real life too. So find me at the South Canteen or board room (above the canteen).
Hope to see you around!
Céderique AKA Freek Schambergen
Martijn Peeters

Lovely Sigmates,
My official name is Martijn Raoul Alexander Peeters, but I think most of you know me as Peeters Peeters, PP, PPPP or some other random name that you have come up with during the year. Currently I’m a third year MLS student, although I am trying to become more of a chemist, but in the coming year I won’t have much time for studying anyway since I will be the treasurer of our lovely association.
20 years ago I was born and raised in the village of Blerick which lies in the lovely province of Limburg. Through eating lots of vlaai and celebrating Carnaval each and every year I slowly grew up before eventually coming to Sigma. During the orientation I immediately clicked with Sigma and felt very connected to this association. However, since I still lived in Blerick and wanted to get my P, I did not join any committees and could not come to lots of activities. In the second year however this changed since I took a small step back from studying and finally got a room in Nijmegen! I could now come to every Sigma activity and tried my best to be at as many activities as possible. This planted the seed for my third year in which I wanted to study even less and be an even bigger part of Sigma. What better way to do this than to become a board member.
During times when I’m not studying or ‘boarding’ Sigma I like to play some video games, chat with friends or housemates, watch a series or do sports. Since moving to Nijmegen I started to play tennis, sometimes at the tennis association Slow and other times with fellow Sigmates. Besides this, I still play football each Sunday with my team in Blerick and thus try to travel here each weekend. This way I can still see my parents and friends from home regularly and they won’t miss me too much.
You will see me mostly this year at borrels or activities, in the south canteen (especially after 16:00) or the board rooms. So if you have any questions or if I take too long with paying your declarations then you know where to find me.
With lots of love,
Martijn ‘Peeters’ Peeters
Lena Vleugels

Dear Sigmates,
My name is Lena Vleugels, I am 20 years old and a third-year MLS student. I was born and raised in the very south of the Netherlands, in the beautiful town of Beek. (Yes, we have a “beek” there.) I very early on already knew I wanted to study MLS in Nijmegen and thus my search for a room began. Fortunately, I was lucky and found one even before the Intro. And so my adventure in Nijmegen began.
I felt right at home in Nijmegen, at the studies but especially within Sigma. In the first quarter of my first year, I already joined A-team. This is our activities committee. I loved brainstorming about upcoming activities, helping at Borrels and seeing everyone enjoy the activities we had organised. In my second year, I really started to grow a place in my heart for Sigma. I became the chair of A-team. I joined SOS, our travel committee and helped organise the amazing trip we had to Ghent.
This year, I will be your Commissioner of Educational Affairs. This means I take care of the “study part” of our study association. This includes organising graduation ceremonies, having contact with the university, making sure you can buy your books. The list goes on :D You can therefore often find me in the BK’s or in the south canteen.
The days not spent on meetings, organising activities or doing other boardsy stuff, are usually filled with playing the guitar or listening to music. I also love going to concerts so moving to Nijmegen and living 10 min away from Doornroosje allowed me to visit concerts a lot more often. I also like to play board games and cook and chill with friends.
Always feel free to ask your questions, have a chat with me (or better, keep me off my work :D). I hope to see you at a lot of Borrels, activities, weekends-away, lunch lectures and in the south canteen.
I am so incredibly excited for this year!
With love,
Lena Vleugels
Sam van de Werken

Dear beloved and perhaps even slightly coveted Sigmate!
Can you never find your keys when you need them? Or have you just lost your sixth OV card? Then I’ll be your personal experienced counsellor! No guarantees that this will help, but it would offer me a chance to talk about my problems.
I’m Sam van de Werken and next to being a third year Chemistry student, I’ll be your Commissioner External Affairs this year! This means that in addition to searching for my lost belongings, I will also be looking for potential sponsors for Sigma.
When you’re reading this, I’ll be 21.0 ± 0.5 years old. Born in Tilburg, now strolling along the roads of Nijmegen, improving the world with my underrated heroics. My hobbies include helping old ladies cross the road, telling people facts that are not necessarily true and bending language in a way that makes it nearly impossible for people to read, for example by producing excessively long sentences that make people wonder why they are even reading them. I also like sports and seeing a nice bird, but I’m not sure whether the latter falls under the category “hobbies”.
If you ever need help crossing the road or you have any other questions, feel free to approach me. You’ll find me in the boardroom!
See you soon,
Sam van de Werken
Kim Veltman

Dear fellow Sigmates,
My name is Kim Veltman and I am 20 years old. I am a 3rd year MLS student and this year I will be the Commissioner of Internal Affairs of V.C.M.W. Sigma. Which means I am in charge of the year planning and I will be forming the bridge between board and the committees.
I was born all the way in Maastricht (Limbolandd!!) but now I live in Nijmegen as the travel times with the RS11 took way too long to do daily. I moved here just before the Introduction week and I have needed google Maps to find my way back to my room more than I am proud of. During the intro I first came in contact with Sigma but in my first year I was not very active yet although I did enjoy my fair share of borrels. In my second year I joined multiple committees namely A-team, Photon, Sigmarie and at the end of the year also SOS. All these committees helped me create new friendships and I love how every committee organizes very different activities.
In my free time I love doing creative stuff like drawing or painting with friends. I am also always there for board games, so if you are ever bored (pun intended) let me know. Besides this I love going outside for walks through nature, for some fresh air. I also love to play Basketball and from time to time some Flunkybal. I am very excited for this year and I hope you are as well. I will see you at our activities, in south oooor during our Member hours.
With Love,
Kim Veltman
Laura Muller

Dear Sigmates,
My name is Laura Muller and I am 21 years old. I am a third year MLS student, but that is not the only thing I am this year as I will also be your Commissioner of Activities. This means I am in charge of arranging the activities organized by the board and making sure that the promotions are sent in time.
Before I started studying in Nijmegen, I lived with my parents in ‘s-Hertogenbosch where I was also born. In my first year I moved to Nijmegen, which allowed me to come to more of Sigma’s activities and even join a committee. Through my first and second year I quite enjoyed this, which has landed me here as part of the board of the association.
In my free time I like to read or dance. When I meet my friends I like to play boardgames with them. I also love going to concerts, I have already seen quite a couple of artists.
When you are looking for me, you can often find me in the boardrooms or in the south canteen :).
With lots of love,
Laura Muller