Become a member Online

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  • 2 Enter personalia
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You’ve landed on the right page to become a member, benefactor or alumnus of the Sigma Study Association.

Why join Sigma?

V.C.M.W. Sigma is the study association for the students of the Molecular Science Cluster in Nijmegen. Courses in this cluster include Chemistry, Molecular Life Sciences and Science.

A major advantage of joining Sigma is that you can purchase all of your study books and literature and even your lab coat whilst benefiting from a generous discount. Sigma’s various committees also organise a wealth of fun, social activities. Some examples include our monthly themed informal get-togethers (‘borrels’) with drinks, activities like skiing or surfing, lectures, study afternoons, parties and excursions to chemistry/life sciences related companies. Every year Sigma also organises a symposium, a sports tournament where chemistry related associations throughout the Netherlands compete, as well as a relaxing and friendly weekend camping expedition! There are also bigger trips, such as our students exchange with ETH Zürich in Switzerland, and every year a weekend visit to one of Europe’s more interesting cities (e.g. Berlin, Paris, Hamburg or Prague). And let’s not forget the famous parents’ day which always takes place in January. We publish our weekly newsletter (‘het Maantje’) complemented our times a year by our magazine, the PPM, brim full of fun and info. On our website you will find study materials, vacancies, pictures and sheds-full of other invaluable info.

All of these activities are organised by our very own Sigma members. So we’re always on the lookout for enthusiastic students who love to join in on things. If you want to do more besides your studies, for example serving on a committee or perhaps get some management experience under your belt as a member of the Board, Sigma can offer you ample opportunities. Informative, challenging and great fun all rolled into one. Whatever you want to do, being a Sigma member is simply just a great way of meeting and getting to know your fellow and older students.

When can I become a Sigma member?

One of the requirements for becoming a Sigma member is to be a chemistry, molecular life sciences or science undergraduate, or currently following a masters degree programme at Nijmegen linked to one of these bachelor programmes.

How do I become a Sigma member?

Simple! You can become a Sigma member by choosing the membership type Aspiring Members and completing the form that follows below and paying your contribution. You can pay by transferring 30 euros to our account No: NL64RABO0135858461. Name of account: V.C.M.W. Sigma. Please state: ‘membership’. As soon as we have processed your payment, your account on our website will be activated and you will be added to our mailing list. This 30 euros membership fee covers the entire duration of your studies, including any postgraduate study at Nijmegen.

Membership for master students

If you are a Master student you can become a Sigma member by choosing the membership type Aspiring Member (Master) and completing the form that follows below and paying your contribution. You can pay by transferring 15 euros to our account No: NL64RABO0135858461. Name of account: V.C.M.W. Sigma. Please state: ‘membership’. As soon as we have processed your payment, your account on our website will be activated and you will be added to our mailing list. This 15 euros membership fee covers the entire duration of your studies.


If you do not meet either of the above conditions, but would still like to enjoy what Sigma has to offer, then you can always become a donor. You can become a donor for 5 euros per year if you are an ex-Sigma member, or 10 euros for other supporters. As a donor you will enjoy almost all the same benefits as a member. However you will not have voting rights at the general member meetings.

You can become a Sigma supporter by choosing the membership type Aspiring Benefactors, completing the form that follows and paying your contribution. You can pay by transferring the amount due to our account No: NL64RABO0135858461. Name of account: V.C.M.W. Sigma. Please state: ‘supporter’. As soon as we have processed your payment, your account on our website will be activated and you will be added to our mailing list.


Are you an alumnus of one of the studies within the cluster molecular sciences? Then you can enlist yourself in our Alumni-database. If you are subscribed to our database, we can keep you up-to-date about the activities that we organise for Alumni, such as an reunion and a network event. You can suscribe by choosing the membership type Alumnus below and then completing the form that follows. No payment is required to become an alumnus or alumna. Please note that alumni do not have access to a login for the website.

If you have any queries or remarks, you can always reach us at the following email address:

Kind regards,

The 48th board

Important! Please read this first before completing the form:

General fields

Student number: Without the 's' prefix, benefactors and alumni can fill in 0000000. The studentnumber is used as a unique identification number, and will be changed for benefactors and alumni.

Date of birth: Use numbers and dashes, day-month-year: 21-02-1997.

Email address: This is the email address where your confirmation email will be sent. It will also be used for informing you about activities, etc and you will use this to log in to our website.

Address: The address where you wish to receive your mail. This can be your parents’ address or your student accommodation. If you do not know your ZIP code; Google it and use the format: 0000 AB.


Start of study: The year in which you started your course. For members this date has been set at '01-09-2017'.

Study: Choose between ‘MLS’, ‘Chemistry’ or ‘Science’. If you are starting your (pre-)master, you can add that as well. 


Start of study: The year in which you started your course.

Study: Choose between ‘MLS’, ‘Chemistry’ or ‘Science’.

Year of graduation: The year you graduated your masters. Please fill in the approximate date using numbers and dashes, day-month-year. 

Field Employer: Your current employer or the field of your current employer.


The terms & conditions below contain our statement personal data.

Membership type